
Act of war direct action steam runtime error 217
Act of war direct action steam runtime error 217

act of war direct action steam runtime error 217

Password_recovery: TheBat! password decoder 0.1 Password_recovery: Pegasus Mail password decrypter 0.1 TestingToolz: Webservers char tester 0.1.1 fixed the testing of NULL bytes

act of war direct action steam runtime error 217

Research: Race WTCC files encrypter/decrypter 0.3 added a minimalistic GUI and the possibility of handling whole folders (so find is no longer needed) Research: ISI rFactor files decrypter/encrypter 0.2 added a minimalistic GUI and the possibility of handling whole folders (so find is no longer needed) Advisories: Multiple vulnerabilities in TeamSpeak 3.0.0-beta23 Advisories: Exception in Chrome Engine 4 Advisories: Clients vulnerabilities in Enemy Territory Quake Wars 1.5 Advisories: Client array overflow in id Tech 4 engine this is a correction to the advisory released yesterday and the adding of Wolfenstein to the list of vulnerable games Advisories: Vulnerabilities in America's Army 3 3.0.7 again some boring bugs in the same super bugged acpu_decompile function Research: XWB/ZWB files unpacker 0.3.3a added only the -D option for using decimal output filenames Advisories: Database error in Mumble server 1.2.2 a little error, indeed it was part of the next advisory Advisories: Endless loop in Qt QSSLsocket 4.6.3 Advisories: Battlefield 2 1.50 voip failed assertion almost impossible conditions, reported only for thoroughness Advisories: Refractor 2 engine clients URL directory traversal TestingToolz One file only web server 0.3 added some crazy options Advisories: Buffer-overflow in Area 51 1.1 old game but this bug is so absurd that deserved to be indexed :) Research: GS login server emulator 0.2.3 added a bit of more compatibility with some games (like Area51) All the past news from the creation of this website

Act of war direct action steam runtime error 217